A Discussion on Permanent Cover Carbon Sequestration for Alberta & Manitoba

Jan 16, 2020 | Knowledge Hub

Permanent Cover Carbon Sequestration

Permanent cover is land that is used for hay production either using alfalfa, alfalfa -grass mix or grass. Most of the hay that is produced is used for beef cattle or dairy production. The amount of crop inputs used in hay production is unknown, generally phosphorus is applied in the year of establishment and may be applied in subsequent years along with potash or sulphur, especially on alfalfa. The amount of nitrogen fertilizer applied to grass hay land over the life of the stand is not known. Extensive rather than intensive hay production is generally the norm using low levels of crop inputs.

Permanent Cover Carbon Sequestration Rates

Tables 1 and 2 presents the rates of permanent cover sequestration in Manitoba and Alberta crop districts, respectively. These rates are calculated by multiplying the percentage of soil zone in each crop district by the permanent cover carbon sequestration rate for the soil zone. Lower carbon sequestration in the drier regions typically the Brown and Dark Brown soils of Alberta while Manitoba soil/climate facilitate higher carbon sequestration.


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